Does your family need child only health insurance in Virginia? If so, you should know that you may be able to secure private health insurance coverage for your children or grandchildren from the government through the Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medicaid or private health insurance carriers. To help ensure you can access high-quality healthcare for your precious kids, learn a bit more about how medical plans work in Virginia.
If you would just like to quickly compare low-cost health insurance quotes for kids in Virginia, simply use the form near the top of this web page. You only need to select “Virginia” to see top offers from insurers and agencies that work where you live. You may also want to visit or the Health Insurance Marketplace in Virginia. We work with many of the top health insurance companies offering private health insurance plans for children only in Virginia.
There are several different scenarios where families may need short-term affordable health insurance for just their children. The most common reasons would be if their employer doesn’t offer health insurance coverage for their children, they own a small business and need individual health insurance outside of a group plan, or the children are living separately from one or both parents.
A child only health insurance in Virginia covers important health care expenses like:
These are the percentages of children in the largest Virginia cities:
The American Academy of Pediatrics estimated that almost five percent of all Virginia children lack health insurance. At the same time, Medicare and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP Coverage) might be able to cover almost 90 percent of this children if their parents or guardians would only apply. Obviously there have some changing roll outs per the Affordable Care Act that you’ll want to keep in mind. We recommend speaking to a licensed insurance agent about specific questions about individual health insurance plans for kids in Virginia.
At the same time, these government programs won’t provide the right solution for all children. Many government health insurance plans have strict income guidelines. Some families may earn too much or fail to qualify for other reasons. You may find that a private health insurance plan offers you the best, most affordable options for child only health insurance in Virginia.
It only takes seconds for you to access Virginia health insurance quotes for children only. After you select “Virginia” from the quote box, you’ll be transported to a screen with a handful of top agencies and insurers that are standing by to help you with plan details and premium quotes.