In 2009, the U.S. Congress passed a series of health care reforms which were signed into law by the President. “Obamacare” as the new health care law has been coined, is an attempt to dramatically reform the health care system as we know it. With over 30 million Americans currently uninsured, there are bound to be sweeping changes in how health insurance is purchased and health care is received. The good news is, children’s insurance quotes can be compared easily on the internet.
Despite controversy, health care reform is here to stay and now that major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) have rolled out, folks are just starting to explore their options for securing health insurance for themselves and their family. If you are unsure how the new health care law will impact you or you are confused by what lies ahead, you’re not alone.
Individuals, families, even businesses are eager to learn if quality coverage will be available at an affordable price. Whether you’re a senior exploring Medicare plans for 2014, an individual looking to buy a policy or a parent trying to locate affordable child only health insurance, taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with what to expect will help you make the most informed decision for yourself and your family.
The Online Marketplace: Securing Coverage for Individuals, Families and Small Businesses
The Affordable Care Act requires everyone in the United States to have health insurance that meets or exceeds a certain minimum standard. If you currently receive health insurance benefits through work, you likely will not have to make any changes at all. However, if you are not part of a group plan, you will need to purchase a policy through the Online Marketplace. Open enrollment for the state “Exchanges” began October 1st and despite a few minor setbacks, most are providing individuals, families, and small businesses the means to search, find and buy health insurance coverage online. Through the Exchanges, folks can compare rates and coverage options from a variety of private insurance companies, securing the best plan to fit their needs and budget. Health insurance coverage purchased through the Marketplace begins on January 1, 2014.
The Exchanges are also where individuals can go to learn if they qualify for financial help and if so, how to proceed. Discounts are available for individuals making between $15,302 and $46,021 or a family of four earning between $31,155 and $93,700. Exchanges provide information on whether or not you qualify for extra subsidies to help with out-of-pocket expenses for Medicare and Medicaid.
More Options With Quality Coverage
The state Exchanges may make it easier to find, compare and secure quality coverage at an affordable price than in the past. As the new law takes shape, more and more information will be made available from a variety of reputable, private companies. For folks looking for a policy, comparing coverage and rates is presumed to be hassle free.
Child Only Health Insurance
For families with children who either do not have employer provided coverage or find it too expensive to add children to a group plan, the Exchanges can make it easier to find a child only policy. With many providers deciding not to sell child only plans, finding health insurance quotes for children only has been challenging. The Exchanges provide parents and caregivers options in affordable health insurance for children because of the number of participating providers.
For individuals, families and small businesses looking for an easy, convenient and hassle free way to secure quality health insurance at an affordable price, Obamacare may be the solution. For Medicare recipients and those looking for more options, state Exchanges can offer more choices and more convenience. With a variety of providers, access to information and an easy to use Online Marketplace, securing the best deal should be easier than ever.